Dog Daycare Enrichment ProgramsNOW ENROLLING
Manners Matter offers daycare like no other place in Central Kentucky. Our dog daycare combines training, enrichment, and social interactions with other dogs all in one monthly package. Schedule a new student orientation to see everything we have to offer.

Playcare is a well rounded enrichment opportunity to keep dogs both mentally and physically happy. Playcare offers a mix of basic manners skills, tricks, and sensory enrichment.
Dogs attend a minimum of once a week with a total of 5 days per month.
$175.00/month +tax (yearly membership available)

Mutt-essori offers consistency in training for dogs that need a little more work on their house manners. Combining training, play, and advanced sensory enrichment, our Mutt-essori program offers new skills and enrichment opportunites each month.
Dogs attend a minimum of two days a week with a total of 8 days per month.
$320/month +tax (yearly membership availiable

Academy offers elite social, enrichment paired with advanced training and enrichment. Perfect for those dogs that “need a job”. Dogs experience field trips to enhance their manners skills as well as work on physical and mental enrichment in house with our certified trainers. Eligible dogs must have completed a previous training program or have trainer approval.
Dogs attend a minimum of 3 days a week with a total 12 days a month.
$725/month +tax (yearly membership available)
Schedule Your New Student Orientation Here
If your dog has not attended a program with us at Manners Matter Dog Training you will be required to complete a new student orientation. Meet the trainers, tour the facility and learn all about our daycare programs.
Dogs who have previously attended EMAIL HERE to sign up.

What is Dog Daycare
Dog daycare enrichment programs offer the best of mental enrichment and training with the opportunity for social enrichment. Our staff is trained in veterinary behavior approved handling, housing, and training techniques to ensure your dog receives the best possible care while staying with us.

When Is Daycare
Daycare hours are Monday – Friday from 7am until 6:30pm.
Morning Drop off is 7:00am – 9:00am

How Much Is Daycare
Manners Matter Playcare – $175.00
Manners Matter Mutt-essori – $320.00
Manners Matter Academy – $725
*Packages are subject to expiration*
Subscription pricing available. Please inquire at New Student Orientation